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 A Women's Social Group Serving

The  Norwood Community

​Our Mission is to provide women with an opportunity to socialize, network and make a difference in our community, our environment and in the lives of others. We have three main goals:

Community Service

Our Club plans volunteer efforts throughout the year in our community. This may include, but is not limited to, working at local food pantries, senior centers, preparing appreciation meals or participating in community events.


Our Club holds events to raise money to be invested in our community. The ways in which money will be disbursed is voted on by the members of the Norwood JWC and may vary each year based upon the community's current needs.


During the year, our Club organizes fun things to do together as a group, with our spouses/significant others and/or our entire families. As with most of the Club projects, it is not mandatory to attend any social function but it is a lot of fun and helps you to get to know the other Club members.

Upcoming Events-

Next Monthly Meeting

WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11th 7:30-9pm,

Conrad's Norwood

Join us at our monthly meeting. All welcome, bring a friend and see what we are all about! The Norwood Junior Woman's Club is a women's social group that serves the Norwood community by fundraising in order to give back locally to various programs, events, and families in need. We are an easy-going, fun group and joining doesn't require a big commitment. Monthly meetings are held at 7:30PM on the second Wednesday of each month at Conrad's Restaurant, 728 Washington Street, Norwood, MA 02062. For more information you may email

New faces are always welcome! 

​Our Club


Our Club is sponsored by the General Federation of Woman's Clubs.
GFWC is one of the largest and oldest woman's volunteer service organizations. They are dedicated to community improvement by enhancing the lives of others through volunteer services.

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